
Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Eventually Miranda on Hold ???

JAKARTA, — corruption eradication Commission finally set Miranda Swaray
Goeltom as suspect cases of the alleged bribes associated when the selection of Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia in 2004. Improvement of the status of it done pascatertangkapnya Nunun Nurbaeti, wife of former Deputy Chief of Police Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Adang Daradjatun.

How Miranda's response? The following interview with Miranda when found at his home in South Jakarta area, Friday (27/1/2012) night.

What is the first time you respond on behalf of the COMMISSION's decision?

Because I do not suspect, I was surprised. I feel that as long as it's been giving details as much as anything else that I know of and the fact that I have presented to the COMMISSION. At the time called the suspect, as the ordinary man who received the news that is unusual, it's surprising.

(Miranda has repeatedly examined as a witness to the suspects. Lastly, he was examined as a witness for suspected Nunun on 10 January 2012).

The fact what you convey to the COMMISSION?

That's what I enggak understand. The bottom line is I replied, if I ever give money, pledges, or to have someone to manage the granting of money. I've replied No. There's no question that the bottom line is I know traveller's cheque. I said I did not know until the brother Agus Condro (then a member of a faction of the PDI-P) deliver to the public in 2008. Agus met with me just once at the time of found with the Group Faction of PDI-P.

Do you have an interest in the Office of the Governor's Senior BI?

Judging the order, I am so Deputy Governor BI in 1997 until 2003, the 2003 to 2004. Then I nominated so 2003 Governor of BI, but chosen by the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Burhanuddin (Abdullah). Of course I never thought I would have thought would have been elected because. Not for nothing, because I feel knowledgeable about monetary.

But that's okay, I have received. I work at that time with a very large salaries in the Netherlands and Commissioner of PT Rabobank. I went back to teaching Economics. So, in my more than enough material. In the same facility, I can first class everywhere.

Then, I am not applying for so Senior Deputy Governor of BI. I was nominated by the President. I didn't ask for. As good citizens, knowing I have expertise in that field. Although I was initially somewhat reluctant to become Senior Deputy Governor since many people know, I repeatedly said males.

There are people behind the election because You said not interested, not interested?

Do not be reversed. I felt it was awarded as nominated. Kan enggak everyone nominated. Only three people from the entire people of Indonesia are 220 million. It's an award. As academics, as a professional, not a politician, I feel rewarded and I appreciate that gives confidence. Therefore I follow the process.

(Two other candidate namely DGS Budi Rochadi Hartadi Sarwono and A)

You've run a number of Board members when the electoral process?

Just as with members of the Board of Governors and Governors.

(Miranda called met with Faction PDI-P at the Dharmawangsa Hotel in 2004. Nunun claims to be asked to be introduced with Miranda House members. Nunun then introduce Miranda with Soefihara, Hamka Yandhu Endin, Suzetta, and Passover Udju Djuhaeri)

Other candidates also met members of the House?

To be asked, please. Asked one-one. It is a process that is not culpable. As someone who will deliver the vision and mission are very commonplace.

What was discussed?

Vision and mission.

Only limited funds it?

Iya. If the front four if I could say anything else? Please ask all Deputy Governor, would they do that. And I sure don't meet to talk force (select). I don't have permission to force them to vote for us. But we have the space to deliver the vision and mission in order that they can understand what our expertise, whether we ought to choose from.

The vision of what kind of missions so that they are interested in you?

There are three points. First, I will bring BI to offer fixed can run the main task to generate a low inflation.Secondly, I am going to bring BI to create a healthy banking conditions so that it can launch a lot of the credit lending activities, through the SME, through Islamic banks, teamed up with foreigners because I had a lot of links. Third, BI must have credibility.

No offer of a "traveller's cheque"?

You asked me for 200 times, not.

As close as are you with Nunun?

The same Nunun I know as a socialite. I think that I just know it's not, many people are familiar with. He was then often be where both I was. If you go to the wedding, fashion shows, social events, exhibitions.Yes it is-it's their environment as well.

You are very close to the Nunun?

Depending on what kind of defining. I know well, I know m

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