
Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

HIM a simple Figure of Damascus

INILAH.COM , Jakarta - big names as an actor does not make HIM Damascus was arrogant. As an artist who has had enough names, Damascus still displays a simple figure.

It's what's become memories for Benny Damascus, the son of the late fourth. "I saw that dude really big papi and famous. But she remains simple and humble people. By tukang becak bergaulnya area of all. In working disciplines due to the Netherlands upbringing, "recalls Benny found in currently home for the funeral, the area Depok, Cinere, Friday (3/2).

The departure of actor actor Datuk Maringgih it left a deep grief for the family. According to Benny, the father did not leave any message before the close in age.

"The father has sent a message saying ' you're really doing, Benny ngurusin papi papi want to go home, it was resigned to lillahita'ala '," her story. [fei]

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